Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lessons Learned!

So there we were at our very first Farmer's Market selling our wonderful Veggie Burgers.   We had signs and a list of ingredients.   We had a little marketing sheet that told people who we were.  We also had a mini grill to heat up samples.   It is funny how you can attract a crowd with free food.   Anyway we were so proud of ourselves.  We were asked lots of questions that we felt very comfortable answering.   We knew our food-- that is until we got the one question we never in a million years expected.  

There are three different types of Veggie Burgers that we make.  One is our Barbecue Burger.   It is made with homemade barbecue sauce---which has Worcestershire sauce in it.    Theresa developed it because she felt kids would like it the most as it has a sweetness about it.   Imagine our surprise when a potential customer asks us ~and I quote ~ "is the Worcestershire Sauce vegetarian?" 

Picture a dumbfounded look on our face....see we had no idea that Worcestershire sauce is not technically vegetarian....since it has anchovies in it.   Who Knew!!!

So there is our first lesson that we learned about people's food issues.   We looked into it and found that there are not many companies that sell a vegetarian Worcestershire Sauce.   Luckily we did find Annie's Naturals which puts out a Vegan Worcestershire sauce....which is what we now use.   I guess the old saying is correct "live & learn" ~which helps to make things better.

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