Friday, April 16, 2010

In the Beginning

My sister-in-law Theresa is a great cook.   A few years ago while sitting in her kitchen she told me how she had developed these great veggie burgers.  She said she thought she could sell them but wasn't sure how to get started.   As I was out of work, which is why I was in her kitchen, I told her that it was a great idea that we could do together.   We started a partnership that day.   We did research on how to start a company~not as easy as it looks.   We went to seminars  took classes and read books.   The whole family was enlisted to think up names for our new company.  

Here were some of our ideas:

"T"'s Table
Trilogy foods
Special "T"S
speciaTy Foods
There were a lot of "T" suggestions ( her name is Theresa and we call her "T" ~so you get the idea).

She of course being modest really didn't want her name involved.  She also didn't want, which I agreed with, to have 'burger's in the title in case we ever wanted to expand.   That was a smart idea.   Finally Theresa thought since we wanted to show how healthy our veggie burgers were and that the ingrediants were natural she envisioned a garden.  Since the burgers are not sweet it was automatic that they are "savory"----hence the name THE SAVORY GARDEN.   We searched and searched to make sure no one else had our name and then we incorporated ourselves.   That turns to have been the easy part.

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